Power News: Researchers have designed new solar device that may finally make hydrogen cars a reality
Elektor: Will hydrogen cars now finally arrive?
Green Optimistic: Solar Supercapacitor Generates Both Electricity and Hydrogen
Green Car Congress: Integrated solar-driven system for electrochemical energy storage and hydrogen
Electronics Lab: Solar Supercapacitor creates electricity and hydrogen fuel on the cheap
Innovation Toronto: Combining a supercap and efficient water-splitting technology into a single unit
R&D Magazine: Novel Device Could Yield More Affordable Hydrogen Cars
Silicon Republic: New ‘wonder’ device could power homes and cars with clean hydrogen
Design Engineering: UCLA invention will make hydrogen cars more affordable
Sustainable Skies: Three-in-One Device Stores Energy, Makes Hydrogen
inhabitat: Affordable new device uses solar energy to produce hydrogen and electricity
Design&Elektronik: Superkondensator und Elektrolyseur in einem
Electronics 360: New Energy Storage Device Store Solar Energy in Chemical and Electromechanical Form
Green Matters: UCLA Creates Device To Make Hydrogen Cars A Serious Possibility
IB Times: Could this groundbreaking all-in-one solar energy device bring cheap hydrogen cars
Daily Bruin: UCLA researchers create device to make hydrogen more efficiently
UCLA: Hydrogen cars for the masses one step closer to reality, thanks to UCLA invention
Newsweek: Hydrogen cars, fuel for vehicles of the future edges closer with solar breakthrough
ara.sciences: جهاز طبي قابل للزرع بدون بطارية يستخرج الطاقة مباشرة من جسم الإنسان - تقنية - 2019
علوم وصناعات: إختراع مكثف جديد لأجهزة تنظيم ضربات القلب، وباحثان مصريان ضمن الفريق